Unboxing Butcher Box! January 28 2020!

Hello everyone! Let take a look inside the Butcher BOX!

Just to let you know, I was raised in The Midwest! So, there was a lot of Baseball, Beer and Barbeque! Me and my friends, we have been barbequing for years and I have become a meat lover! A meat-man! And I can’t stand having to buy a lot of these cheap meats from the grocery store or Wal*Mart. On the other hand, when you try to look at the better meats there, they are crazy expensive. We talk about supporting our local butcher shops but they are also so pricey!

Then after decades of frustration, I finally found a way to get super-delicious high-quality meats for all barbeques. It was July 2019, when I received an Instagram message from my co-worker Kyle, and he sent me a coupon that said, “FREE CHICKEN WINGS FOR LIFE!” I laughed my ass off because Kyle knows I LOVE chicken wings, heck! everyone knows I love chicken wings! My nickname since 1982 has been ‘The Chicken-Man’ because I love and eat so many wings every day!! Now back to the Instagram message, the pictures of the golden chicken wings got my attention, and FREE?!  I clicked on the link to see what this is about and it led me to a website for BUTCHERBOX! I started reading about it and it is one of these companies that sends boxes of meats to your house.  The meats are grass fed grass finished, organic, hormone free, steroid free and I was really attracted to that because we know the conditions inside these modern slaughterhouses are terrible and we don’t want to support them. And as I mentioned before I have been searching for decades for a way to get away from having to have barbeque parties with these cheap ass meats!!  So, back to butcherbox, they have different options about what kind of meat you can have delivered in your box ( some of these bigger boxes look amazing!) and they were offering a special bonus at that time that if you join now you will receive three pounds of organic chicken wings for free every month!  I looked it over and wasn’t sure I could justify the $129 price.

As the next several months went by, I kept thinking about all that delicious organic grass-fed beef pork and chicken every night! I was like a little boy at Christmastime, but instead of having visions of sugar plums dancing though my head while I sleep, I was having visions of chicken wings! I kept thinking, ‘…free chicken wings for life…’, and I thought about the $129. I figured $129 a month is exactly $32.29 per week, and then when I was shopping at Publix and Winn-Dixie, I was always looking at how much money I was spending on meat. It didn’t take me long to realize I was spending more than that a week on meat. So, I decided to go for it! If I didn’t like it, I can cancel, and also, I got them on the phone and then what really sealed the deal, they said if I happen to fall upon hard times, I can pause the account for up to six months!

That was it! I said I am IN!

I am not sure, but I think this is my first box I am opening here. This is the smallest box available the $129 which is combination of chicken, beef and pork. Also, this unboxing here is a secondary box of meat they sent me because they messed the first box up. I went to pick the first box up and it was really light! They forgot a whole bunch of stuff! I called them up and they apologized and sent this box here with all of the other things that were missing.

So, let’s get down and check it out!

Yes!! We are going to be doing some cooking around here!

Free chicken wings for life!

MY Life~!

The box is completely recyclable. There is some dry ice packed over the top to keep it cool..

Here we are! Chicken Party WINGS! Fed and all vegetable diet, 100% farmer owned chicken no antibiotics ever! Three individual packs, still frozen solid!

Grass fed BEEF! Sirloin Tips! Grass-fed and Grass finished, raised without any antibiotics or growth hormones. SIRLOIN TIPS! Born and raised on pasture. Look at that big chunk of meat right there! 16oz!

And this is the ten-ounce RIB-EYE! Grass-fed Beef Rib-eye Steak! Grass-fed and finished, raised without hormone or antibiotics. All you meat lovers out there know the Rib-eye has the one of the biggest hugest flavors and is one of the most fantastic cuts of meat ever! This is a nice big beautiful boneless ten-ounce Rib-Eye here and you can see it has a beautiful dark red color and nice marbling on there too.

 Here we have the Organic Chicken Breasts! These are some nice big beautiful chicken breasts, that is a lot of food right there

And here is the Ground Beef! Two big one-pound packs of Grass Fed Ground BEEF! 100% Grass-fed Grass Finished Ground Beef, raised without any antibiotics or growth hormones! (These make the best hamburgers OMG I am so crazy about the huge flavor on the burgers, I think I ate three or four the other day while I was working from home!)

And here it the other ten-ounce Rib-Eye!

Now I already received the two big grass fed organic giant pork chops in the other box, so we need to add that on to what we see here.

This definitely looks like a lot of delicious meat here and it looks like it is going to last a long time and you can see the ‘free chicken wings for life’ right here!

And the other thing I wanted to mention here is they will introduce new bonus programs periodically, like we have the free chicken wings for life program here, They will also periodically offer other things like free bacon for life, free ground beef for life, free drumsticks for life, and whatever else they can think of. They will allow you to add that bonus offer on to your box buy buying in at a one-time fee. It is usually $20-40 depending on the offer.  So you pay that one time fee and you have that bonus offer also added on top of the other offers with your monthly box. This one guy in Facebook was saying he has been in the club for a couple years and along the way he has picked up the free chicken wings and the free bacon the free ground beef, all free in his box every month for life.

So, I don’t know, but for me meat is a pretty exciting thing, and this is something I am really passionate about.  If you have any interest in joining the club, I have a special promotion for you, let me know and I can send you a link and you will get thirty-dollars off your first box.  And also when you join the club you will receive your own link that you can send everyone else and if they like it and join they will get thirty-dollars off and you will get thirty-dollars off your next box.

So, it’s one-hundred and twenty-nine dollars (shipping is free) and then you get your thirty-dollar discount which brings it down to ninety-nine dollars.  And they will allow you to do this referral discount up to twelve times a year.

OK thanks for hanging out with me here

It is time to get this party started! Let’s get cooking!

Peace and Barbeque Grease!
