
Hello everyone and welcome to the LEGAL part of my website, Lets talk about this part of the website and what this is all about and what you can expect to find here. I want to let you know how this is perhaps one of the most important and powerful parts of the website for me and you.

First of all, In this part of the website,  later on you will be finding  a story I call “The Secret Weapon” and here is a little preview of what that story is about.  it is basically, as we go through life, we all encounter all kinds of wonderful challenges and problems, and we all do the best we can to struggle through these difficulties. We Google things and search the web and go on Facebook and talk about our problems and try to find out what is the best way to proceed through situations which are often times over our heads.  But what I have found out is wealthy people and large corporations handle their problems in a way that is totally different from everyone else. They have the money to have the TOP law firm in their area on retainer to handle all of their problems. If anything comes up, they are surrounded by an army of the top attorneys each one who is an expert in a different area, and they can get the answers and the advice to whatever kind of situation comes their way.  They are able to get the good information so that they can make the decision that is right for their business or family, so that they don’t get in trouble or wind up having to pay a bunch of money out later. They don’t have to stress over all these day to day problems, because the law firms are handling it for them and they can relax and focus on the things that are important to them, like spending quality time with their families, focusing on growing their businesses or just playing golf.

So, I found this company called Legal Shield, and what they do is they are able to turn to all the families and small businesses all across America and Canada and say, “Hey! How would you like to have that same power? How would you like to have the TOP law firm in your area handling your problems on a day to day basis? How would you like to be surrounded by an army of lawyers each one an expert in a different area and anytime you have a question you can talk to an attorney who is an expert in that area and get the good information so that you can make the right decision for you and your family, so that you can then relax knowing things are taken care of and you can focus on the things that are important to you and your family? And HEY you don’t have to worry about that giant bill coming at the end of the month, what if it was only $24.95 a month?”

And since we are talking about problems, why don’t we talk about the biggest problem of all? Money? I don’t have to tell you that right now, all across America and Canada families are squabbling over the kitchen table about how to pay the bills. So what we do at Legal Shield is we can turn to all the people across America and Canada and say, “Hey! How would you like to be able to climb into the cockpit of your own online, make money from anywhere, 24/7 home business? Do you think with what is going on right now anyone might be receptive about looking at ideas about making money from home? What if it was only $249? What if there was a special discount going on right now for only $99? Do you think anyone might respond to that?

Also, in this section we will talk about how important it is to get your will done and how you can get your real last will and testament with power of attorney and medical directives for only $24.95

We will also in this section go over in detail what is Legal Shield??

We will go over one-hundred everyday reasons to have a legal shield membership

And I have a funny little story about how I named the company!

In later articles we will describe the value of the Legal Shield membership through the eyes of an attorney in the ‘if you were my attorney’ story

later on you can expect to see articles about how the need for legal shield comes up in conversations all the time over decades and decades

I want to have a conversation later here with you about how the biggest complaints come from people who didn’t understand what was covered

In this section we will have a discussion about how Legal shield is not an additional expense but about saving money and making money

Later we will talk about all the times I could have used the membership and the times I did

I will be writing some articles talking about the situation we are in now with people having questions about unemployment, PPP money, employer/employee situations and arbitration agreements

And I have a story I will share with you I call -The two-thousand-dollar phone call

Thanks again for visiting the LEGAL section of the website and hopefully you were able to get a good idea about all the exciting information I have coming up for you here later!

Please feel free to visit my LegalShield website in the meantime until I can get more articles and information up for you.