Spiritual Fire is the title that I have given to this section of my website, I will be talking about all different kinds of spiritual and religious matters here, I will be talking about my own personal spiritual journey anything that has anything to do with any kind of spiritual or religious thing, I am going to be putting it in this section.  I will also be sharing what I have come to believe through my own spiritual exploration. I am also going to be talking about Spiritual Fire as a tool which will help you find your way in life, help you find your true calling it will help you find your passions and how in turn working on your true passions and your true calling will bel the flint and the steel that will help you produce the sparks you need to get those embers going into flames or get your flames going into a bonfire. I am also going to be talking about what a spiritual fire is, and why it is so important, how we can get it and how we can keep it. So, let’s start there. Let’s talk about what a spiritual fire is.


Transformational Energy

Spiritual Fire is the transformational energy that comes from heaven down into your soul. Spiritual Fire is an intense energy or fire that fuels you and keeps you going and growing.  Are you in a slump are you looking for some motivation? Instead of reaching out to the stars, and trying to get someone else to fire you up we will be learning how to set ourselves on fire! Internal Motivation is the best. This is going to be the ultimate source.  The energy of a transformational spiritual experience.

Demonic Aura


I would like to talk about about how I came to understand the concept of Spiritual Fire and maybe you can relate with it or maybe you will just get a chuckle out of it. I was watching one of my favorite Chinese Dramas, Love and Destiny, Wherein the Gods and the High Gods up in the Heavenly Palace in the Sky are battling with the Demon Lord after he is awakened after a 50,000-year slumber. The Demon Lord releases a ‘Demonic Aura’, a nasty strange black smoke with tentacles that reach out and the little tiny black smoke particles infiltrate the bodies of those it encounters. Anyone who is not a very powerful high-God is immediately overcome by the evil energy. Their eyes turn red and their faces become twisted with a demonic look.  They become totally out of control and under the power of the Demon Lord and he can speak directly to them and tell them what to do.  I don’t know I liked it and I thought it was pretty compelling.  Later I was driving in my truck and I thought, “you know what? This is a great example of how the Spiritual-Fire works,  But in the opposite way, When I person is overcome with the energy of heaven, the Spiritual Fire, it, if done correctly, works in the same way,  God’s Heavenly energy enters your body,  and it takes you over, you become an instantly changed person. You are immediate filled with the infinite energy of Heaven. You are compelled to do good, and your life has changed.


Heavens Above


The visual image that I got from that movie helped me to understand how we can get spiritual fire, how powerful it is, how it can work. And it all seemed very attractive to me.  So, we need to be able to open up these spiritual channels and get some of this heavenly energy flowing into our lives right away.  We need to develop a strong connection with the Heavens above

And the way we do this is with lots prayer and meditation to remove the negative energies (demonic aura?) that are blocking spiritual fire and allowing it to penetrate down into every fiber of our being. If you would like to hear more about my favorite and most powerful prayers and meditation just stay tuned and I will be sharing more about that here in this section of the website and I will also be asking for you to share you ideas about this with me as well.


Fire at The Center


I want to take a moment to explain why Spiritual Fire is the central part of the website.  I purposely designed the template of this website to have the “Fire” in the middle of the other areas and topics that I will be talking about, you will see that I have the image of  the Lion in the Sun as the image for the
Spiritual fire, the Lion represents the royal, regal power of the King of Kings, and the Sun is the fire and the power that’s blasting out that infinite energy of the lion, the flames of the sun are reaching out and blasting out into all areas of my life. Because when your life becomes full of this Golden Infinite energy of the Spiritual Fire from Heaven, then you can probably understand that will affect every area of your life in a powerful way.

Thank you and May your life be filled with Spiritual Fire!

